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Pet Loss

Over the Rainbox - IZ
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In Loving Memory of Lucy

SPCA of Solano County Pet Loss Support Group

Group meets the first Tuesday of every month from 7 -8:30 pm via zoom.  This is a free service but donations are always accepted.  Bring a photo of your beloved pet to share.  The group will be facilitated by  a mental health professional, Bonnie Mader, a pioneer in the field of pet loss and human emotion and the co-founder of the Pet Loss Support Hotline.  The first 45 minutes Dr. Kelly Palm, the other co-founder of the Pet Loss Support Hotline will be there to answer medical questions.  Here are the links.


▶︎ Join our group via our waiting room using this link:


▶︎ In the Zoom website, click on “JOIN A MEETING” then enter our Meeting ID# 828 2874 5826 to join our group via our waiting room.


▶︎ Use your phone to attend our group as an audio-only participant by dialing either of these numbers:

+1 669 900 6833; when prompted, enter meeting ID 828 2874 5826;


+1 253 215 8782; when prompted, enter meeting ID 828 2874 5826


Pet Loss support group facebook page




The purpose of this page is to promote the Pet Loss Support group at the SPCA in Vacaville. This page is not to give or receive advise on loss of a pet.  Feel free to share with other pet owners during this difficult time pictures of your beloved pet.




Reading List

For adults:

*  Grieving the Death of a Pet by Dr. Betty Carmack

*  Pet Loss:  A Thoughtful Guide for Adults and Children by Herbert Nieburg and Arlene Fischer

*  A Snowflake in My Hand by Samantha Mooney

*  Coping With Sorrow On the Loss of Your Pet by Moira Anderson

*  Joy in a Wooly Coat by Julie Adams Church

*  Coping With The Loss of a Pet by Christina M. Lemieux, Ph.D.


Especially for Children

*  Dog Heaven by Cynthia Rylant

*  Cat Heaven by Cynthia Rylant

*  The Tenth Good Thing About Barney by Judith Viorst

*  When a Pet Dies by Fred Rogers

*  I'll Always Love You by Hans Wilhelm



For more pet loss reading material go to the pet loss handouts tab 

Other Pet Loss Support Groups
Berkeley East-Bay Humane Society Pet Loss Group :  meets third Tuesdays 7-8:30 pm at 2700 9th Street at Carleton, in West Berkely.  (510) 845-7735. Drop-in.  Free with donations much appreciated.  Facilitator:  Jill Goodfriend (510) 393-1359
Dublin Pet Loss Group meets second and fourth Mondays 7-8:30 pm at Hope Hospice, 6377 Clark Ave, Dublin.  Free with donations.  Contact Michele Shimamura to register (925) 683-8463
Hayward Pet Grief Support Group meets second Wednesdays 6:30-7:30 pm.  Free.  Contact Rev. Nancy Schluntz for registration and address, (510) 969-6122

San Francisico SPCA Pet Loss Group meets first Tuesday at 243 Alabama St. San Francisco, CA 7:30- 9 pm.  (415) 554-3000. Free, drop-in group.  Facilitator:  Betty Carmack (414) 334- 5036.
San Mateo: Pennisula Humane Society and SPCA Pet Loss Group meets second Thursdays, 7-8:30 pm, 1450 Rollins Road, Burlingame 94010.  Free.  Drop-in.  Coordinator:  Lindsay Reynolds (650) 340-7022 x 344.
Walnut Creek Pet Loss Group meets second Tuesday, 5:30-7 pm at ARF, 2890 Mitchell Drive.  Free drop-in group.  Facilitatior:  Vicki Smith (925) 887-5678 ext 1075.
Nikki Hospice Help LIne (707) 557-8595 or email 

Additional Resources


Suicide Prevention Hotline




Caring for people caring for animals 



Lynn Cohen

Marriage and Family Therapist

348 Cernon St., Suite E, Vacaville, CA 95688





Northbay Hospice and Bereavement Support


Linda Priblle, MA, BCC, Bereavement Coordinator (email)


International Association of Animal Hospice and Palliative Care (IAAHPC)



 Barbara Hodges DVM

Complimentary holistic care for compainion animals throughout their lives (email)



Memorial Photos

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