Kelly Palm DVM
Shelter Veterinarain
SPCA of Solano County
and staff veterinarian Cal West Pet Hospital
Trip to Muttville April 2015
The shelter medicine team transferred a few of our senior dogs to muttville last week. Muttville is located in San Franscisco and is an organization dedicated to helping find forever homes for aging senior dogs. Muttville is a cage and kennel free environment and not all dogs would thrive or do well in this setting. If the residents of Muttville don't get adopted, they can live out thier lives at this facility. The photos below chronologically show their journey. For more info visit www.muttville.org/
UPDATE: May 2015 Both Yoda (Seymore) and Buckley (Patches) were recently adopted through Muttville.

Buckley getting ready for Muttville.

These two Fresno rescues were chosen because of their special needs and ages.

Yoda drying in the sun after a a bath.

Since Muttville is a cage and kennel free environment, our dogs were tested with each other and other dogs for compatibility.

Our two oldest Fresno rescues hanging out together in the sun.

Yoda was groomed, neutered recieved a dental, treated for ear mites, fleas, and ticks, treated for otitis and arthritis, had a hernia repaired at the SPCA but he still needed more .... Muttville will be able to provide the additional resources.

Buckley or Fresno #74, as the shelter medicine team called him, excitedly rode down shotgun with Candace to Muttville.

Buckley was excited to see the famous city encased in fog.

Buckley enjoying the road trip with the shelter medicine team.

All he can say is "WOW" !!!

Arriving at Muttville.

This photo was taken in the lobby of Muttville.

Eric, Jebidiah and Liza Manelli (the dog) walking on the streets of San Francisco undergoing the first of many behavior assessments.

Muttville is a two story facility divided into mutliple rooms for all the residents. Jeb is looking through a "dutch door" to his new friends on the other side.

Jebidiah and some new friends checking out each other.

By the time we left Yoda was actually walking around checking out things and other residents.

Buckley easily fit right in.

Yoda in his stylish bandanna.

One of Muttville's vehicles. It is pretty cool.

The family that adopted this cutie from Muttville Sr Dog Rescue.