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Spring Shelter Medicine Cases 2015



Foxy was found by a Good Samaritan roaming out in English Hills matted, hungry, frightened and completely non visual because of severe matting from foxtails in the eyes.  At first we weren't even sure if her eyes could be saved.  These are the type of cases that the Krinkls Fund is made for.  Consider donating and help these guys get forever homes.




Oliver was brought to the SPCA with a fractured  right distal femur at the growth plate.  You can see the displaced fragment on the lateral radiographic view.  Oliver was fostered by one of our shelter medicine team's family.  Oliver has made a complete recovery and was adopted by the staff members family that fostered him.

Oliver Update
Oliver is doing well and is probably one of our most photographed adoptees.  He won a Buzzfeed contest with the Halloween pumpkin picture and who can resist his model pose!!! He is one lucky cat and was adopted by a great family!


Orphaned Kittens

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